Double click the Forge installer you downloaded
Make sure Install Client is selected then press Ok
It should install Forge to "C:\Users\Your User\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft"
Go to "C:\Users\Your User\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft"
Or type %appdata% in your file explorer

Go to .minecraft and place the Pixelmon mod you have downloaded into the mods folder
If you don't see a mods folder, make one and put the Pixelmon mod into it

Open your Minecraft and to profiles
If you don't have a Minecraft launcher you can get one here!
Make a new profile and select 1.12.2 Forge for a Minecraft versionCheck JVM arguements and make sure Pixelmon has atleast 2GB of RAM or it won't run
We recommend atleast 3 or 4GB of RAM so you won't lag when you play Pixelmon
You have now installed Pixelmon and you are ready to play!
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